Onsite: Signing Consent Form

After you’ve read through the consent form, click the box to consent and press Confirm to let the researcher know you’ve viewed the form. Great! You’ve just continued the smart contract between researcher and student.

Study 1 Session 7
Participant ID:
1:00 PM — 2:00 PM
Current time
1:06 PM
Consent Form
Remember to remind participant you will be recording the session and they can quit at anytime.
Consent Form
Waiting for consent form
Are you OK with us recording this session?
We plan to record interactions via paper note-taking. We also might take a few photos of the process and/or session.
This study is completely voluntary, and you can end it at any time.
This study is entirely confidential.
Results and recordings will only be used to evaluate the viability of the concepts presented and will inform our capstone project in the future.
Description of experiment
We are testing/exploring different transaction mechanisms when choosing to participate in CMU researcher-run researcher sessions.
We will be showing you a collection of storyboards. Some might be more practical, while others will seem fanciful. After viewing the storyboards and talking through your understanding of them, we will ask a few questions to understand your point of view.
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